Base of Access Chair at 15:40:26 on 05-10-2024 |
Temperature:11.5°c | Wind:7mph | |
Wind (5mins):14mph | Direction: S | |
Direction (degree): 185 ° | Dew Point: 8.4°c | |
Wet Bulb: 9.8°c | Rel Hum:81% | |
Bottom of Access Chair at 15:40:26 on 05-10-2024 |
Scottish Ski Club Hut at on |
Temperature:°c | Wind:mph | |
Wind (5mins):mph | Direction: | |
Direction (degree): 14 ° | Dew Point: °c | |
Wet Bulb: °c | Rel Hum:% | |
Scottish Ski Club Hut at on |
Old Mugs Alley at on |
Temperature:°c | Wind:mph | |
Wind (5mins):mph | Direction: | |
Direction (degree): ° | Dew Point: °c | |
Wet Bulb: °c | Rel Hum:% | |
Old Mugs Alley at on |
Summit at 15:40:35 on 05-10-2024 |
Temperature:5.4°c | Wind:9mph | |
Wind (5mins):26mph | Direction: S | |
Direction (degree): 188 ° | Dew Point: 5.4°c | |
Wet Bulb: 5.4°c | Rel Hum:100% | |
Summit 15:40:35 on 05-10-2024 |