Mountain biking is a hazardous sport. Tracks at Glencoe Mountain with chair uplift are extremely steep, and difficult in places. The downhill tracks have been designed for competition, and should only be attempted by experienced cyclists. You may fall, and you may have to dismount to walk some of the track sections.
Glencoe Mountain Limited accept no liability for any loss or injury arising from your participation in mountain biking and the use of our bike tracks.
Take Care All bike track users must read, understand and agree to abide by this Code of Practice. They must also read, understand and agree to comply with the Participation Statement, before buying tickets. Riders under 16 years of age must be accompanied by a parent/guardian, who must purchase the rider’s ticket, agree to their participation, and ensure the rider understands the requirements detailed in the Code of Practice and participation statement. The minimum age for riding the bike tracks is 10 years – children aged between 10 and 16 years MUST be supervised by an adult.
Is your bike suitable? You are entirely responsible for the state of repair of your own bike, and for ensuring it is in sufficiently good condition for use on the downhill and cross-country bike tracks.
Where can you cycle? On the mountain, you may only cycle on the designated downhill and cross country bike tracks. Do not cut corners. Any customer cutting corners or riding in non-designated areas may be asked to leave the mountain.
Be aware of other users. There may be other cyclists or walkers on the track. Treat others with consideration. Slow down. If you stop on the track please step aside to let others pass. Let faster cyclists pass you. NO iPods (or similar) whilst riding.
Obey the signs and instructions from staff. They are all there for YOUR safety and the safety of others. Ride with care, when passing people working on the tracks.
Accidents: We strongly suggest that you do not cycle alone. Bring a friend, even if they are there just to spectate. In the event of a serious accident, please report it to the lift attendants on the access chair. We need to know the nature of the accident and where it has occurred.
Helmets and insurance: You must wear a helmet when riding any of our tracks. The use of a full face helmet and body armour is mandatory for the Black Track. You are also advised to use them for the other downhill tracks. Consider your personal insurance situation; are you insured for personal injury and 3rd party liability?
Failure to comply with the Code of Practice: You will be banned from taking your bike on the chair for a specific period depending on the infringement. There will be no refund of money paid for the rider of the mountain bike in this case.
Glencoe Mountain Car park grid reference NN266525
Nearest A&E Hospital facilities the Belford, Fort William
In case of Emergency contact Glencoe Mountain 01855 851226
Please inform Glencoe Mountain Ltd of all accidents
All information believed correct at printing. Glencoe Mountain Ltd reserves the right to alter services at any time.